Thanks for supporting the Coles Crossing Dads Club and the Maddan family!
Please find your squares below.
The NFL Opening Day 50/50 Football Squares are now for sale through Thursday, September 9th or until sold out. We will post the squares board prior to the Cowboys-Buccaneers game on Thursday evening. Half of the payout will go to winners of the other squares with the other half going in support to the Maddan family.
Individual squares are $10 each. Winning squares at the end of the First, Second and Third Quarter receive $100. The winning square representing the final score (not necessarily end of 4th Quarter) receives $200. Please send your payment for squares to the CCDC Venmo account @ColesDads-Club or our PayPal account at List the name of your square in the ‘Notes’ entry and please select payment type ‘Friends and Family’ (NOT ‘Goods and Services’) in order to avoid fees.